Manor Green School is a SEN school in Maidenhead which has students age 2-19 and with a variety of support needs. The below case study is from a specific class or lesson.
[student] on her first lesson with COSMO was amazing. Her concentration levels were on a different level. Normally she is easily distracted and will talk a lot about other things. When we used COSMO [student] was listening, waiting for her turn and was focused throughout. I changed the activity a few times through the session. She is able to repeat the colours after an adult and will request fireworks when asked to chose an activity.
The session leader was trying Cosmo with a student to work on her communication and concentration, as well as listening and following simple instructions
Using a combination of games to work on skills. Fireworks was used to introduce the Cosmo to the student, and show her cause and effect activities. The student was then encouraged to communicate that she wanted ‘more’ of the fireworks Other activities were tried to find ones that motivated the student – all with the aim of communicating and concentrating on a motivating task
This student normally struggles to concentrate for more than 5 minutes, even on a motivating task, and will become easily distracted talking about other things. The student was able to engage with the activities for around 15 minutes with no issue. She enjoyed listening to the sounds and was able to wait for her turn. She was able to repeat colours after an adult, and when asked to choose an activity was able to request one she enjoyed.
Sometimes it took the student a little bit of time and a lot of modelling to understand how some of the activities worked.
The activities were motivating enough that she was able to engage for longer than normal and began to follow simple instructions of how to play.