Syble Hopp School
Age group
Kindergarten to 3rd grade
Group size
6 students
School setting
Individual 10-20 minute sessions
Speech and Language Therapy
Organisation’s bio:

Syble Hopp School is an education option for children with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, and students with physical disabilities. This school services Early Childhood to the age of 21.

How do you use Cosmo at your organisation?
We originally purchased the Cosmoids in a package of 6 as we felt that switches that light up would work for our students with hearing impairments as well as students with visual impairments
Learn about switch cause and effect as well as engage in books and activities
To access other programs that can be accessed through a switch.
Short description of the conducted activity

Students worked with Speech Therapists to take turns, activate reading of books, learning cause and effect, and to make music. Generally, the therapist works one on one with a student to structure the use and fade the prompting as they learn to do it on their own.

What was the aim of the conducted activity?

The goal of the session was to increase independence with access of a device, to take turns, and to have an activity for leisure time that they can do independently,

How was Cosmo used?

The Therapist took students one at a time. The equipment was set up and modelled for the student. The students gradually interacted with the activity. As increased practice happened the students’ independence increased. Some students used 2 cosmoids to read a book with the therapist. Other students were set up with one cosmoid and worked on cause-and-effect activities with faded prompting. Other students were set up with 2-3 cosmoids to play music on the app.

How did pupils respond?

The Therapist had students that engaged quickly and caught on to the activity. Other students needed adult support to stay engaged with the activity.

What was challenging?

Our biggest challenge was keeping the cosmoids in place so that they were in reach of the students that were working with them. We have enjoyed using the cosmoids with the app and plan to continue to use them for therapy as well as for reading and leisure.

What worked best?

Being able to personalise Cosmo for each student worked really well, as everyone has their own learning style, and everyone has their own favourite song!It’s a fantastically versatile piece of kit and thankfully it’s really robust as well.

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